August 11, 2011

NYPD gear

The boots, striped breeches, Sam Browne belt, EDC gear, uniform shirt, shoulder sergeant chevrons, collar pins, and 8-point cap are easy enough to come by, but how the frack did he get his hands on the NYPD cap device and shirt badge???

Patrick: Also noted that the pants don't go with the shirt, but what I really wanted to draw attention to (aside from the fact that that he's a cutie in cop gear) was the authentic-looking cap device and badge, which I'd really like to get my hands on. 

(Sarge D here, but the damn comments feature won't accept me as a commentor for some reason, so I'm posting this in the body of the text.)

1 comment:

  1. Very hot! However, a Sergeant's cap has gold braid and buttons; that's a regular patrolman's cap. Cap devices are not THAT hard to get; the badge ... ahhh I know the gyrations one has to go thru to get one of those!
