January 23, 2012

Cop tatts 2

It's still pretty rare to see serving officers with visible tattoos, but inked cops are out there. Sometimes the tatt is out-of-sight because of where it's been inked (say on the back or chest), but other times it's covered up by a collar or long sleeves.

Other times the ink is totally in your face:

An inked officer makes a powerful statement and sets him apart from the majority of the uniformed crowd and marks him as an individual. This is not always a good thing in a group that demands conformity and makes some people – both in uniform and out – uncomfortable.

For many in the police community, appearance and conformity are important, and peer pressure alone may be enough to prevent members from considering even inoffensive visible tattoos.

Tattooing is a personal choice, but displaying it on the job may not be. Sometimes the art is covered up under orders. For example, all police forces in England and Wales prohibit officers from showing tattoos that could cause offence, and in Los Angeles and San Diego, officers must cover visible tattoos. This does not appear to be the case in New York (for example). The London Metropolitan Police suggest tattoos can detract from an officer's image:

'Anyone who has a tattoo which could be construed as offensive to any religion or belief, or is in any way discriminatory, violent or intimidating, will not be accepted to join the Metropolitan Police Service. This is irrespective of where the tattoo appears on your body. Any tattoos on the face or visible above the collar are not acceptable if you wish to apply for a uniform role. The quantity and size of tattoos will also be taken into consideration – several tattoos or large or garish ones will to be considered with regard to the impression that they may give to members of the public or colleagues.'

The Marine Corps also bans 'excessive body art'.

But allowed or not, like it or not, you have to admit an inked officer makes a powerful Alpha Male statement.

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